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Category Archives: About PK

Types of Passwords in Personal Knowbase

Personal Knowbase can help you keep your data private using password protection. Privacy may be important for many reasons, including if you are using the software for financial or customer data, contacts or sensitive family information, or for a diary or journal.

PK provides two options for password protecting your notes:

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Cyber Monday Sale on Personal Knowbase

Happy Holidays from Bitsmith Software!

For a limited time, get 20% off Personal Knowbase note management software for Windows.

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Fonts in Personal Knowbase

Personal Knowbase allows you to set the fonts for your text at three distinct levels. Use Preferences to set the font for new data files. Use File Properties to set the font for new articles. And use the Font command to affect article content text.

The rule of thumb for distinguishing Preferences and File Properties is that everything in Preferences applies to all data files, but the File Properties is for settings that apply only to the current data file.

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Personal Knowbase Keyboard Shortcuts

Did you know that almost all functions in Personal Knowbase are accessible using keyboard shortcuts?

Some software users prefer doing everything with the mouse. Some users like right-click popup menus. And some prefer doing as much as possible without moving our hands off the keyboard.

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What is Personal Knowbase Reader?

Personal Knowbase Reader — usually called PK Reader — is a free read-only version of Personal Knowbase for viewing data files created by Personal Knowbase.

With PK Reader, someone who doesn't normally use Personal Knowbase can read Knowbase files created by someone else using the full version of Personal Knowbase.

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PK Help Documentation Formats

Personal Knowbase's help is available in three formats, so you can use it however is most convenient for you. All formats include our brief Tutorial, extensive Step-by-Step Procedures, definitions of Personal Knowbase Concepts, and Reference information about PK windows and menus.

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Personal Knowbase Basic Terminology

Three basic terms can get you started using Personal Knowbase. With these three terms, the functions of most menu commands and toolbar buttons are clear. Other menu commands involve more advanced features that can usually be ignored when you're getting started.

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Exporting Files from Personal Knowbase

Just as you can import information from many external file types into Personal Knowbase, you can also export information out of PK to a number of different file formats. For example, you may need your information in a different format to send it to someone else, to move it to a different software program, or to publish it to the web.

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Importing Files into Personal Knowbase

Do you have lots of little text files scattered around your hard drive? With Personal Knowbase, you can consolidate these files into one data file and index the information from the files so that you can pull up related information easily without scouring your hard drive.

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The History of Personal Knowbase

People often ask us how Personal Knowbase first came to exist. In short, it came to exist because we needed such a tool ourselves and couldn't find other software that fit our needs, so we wrote it.

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