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Tag Archives: portability

PK Tip: Fixing Drive Letter Changes in Portable Mode

If you're carrying your notes between computers using Personal Knowbase's portability feature on a USB thumb drive or other removable media, locating PK data files and file attachments can get tricky if drive letters change.

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PK Tips for Protecting Your Data in Portable Mode

If you're using Personal Knowbase's portability mode to carry your notes with you on removable media such as a USB drive, you have extra security risks. Here are tips for protecting your data.

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Running PK Reader from a CD

Personal Knowbase Reader is a read-only viewer for files which are created using the Personal Knowbase note management software. You can set up PK Reader to run from a write-once removable disk, such as a CD-R, so that it automatically loads a Knowbase data file.

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PK Tips for Portable Mode Installation

If you need to carry your notes between computers, you can use Personal Knowbase's portability feature to install the software on a USB thumb drive or other removable media. If you're having trouble getting PK to install in portable mode, here are a couple things to check.

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PK Tip: Using Personal Knowbase Where You Can't Install It

If you want to use Personal Knowbase on a computer where you can't install it, consider using the portable installation option.

Some companies do not allow you to install software on your work computer unless it's on a restricted software list. Consultants can't install their own software on clients' machines. Or you may want to use a friend's or relative's computer without making any permanent changes to their system.

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