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Tag Archives: formatting

PK Tip: Removing Hypertext Links

In Personal Knowbase, you may end up with unwanted hypertext links in your article text. For example, if you copy text from a web page in a browser, PK will preserve any hypertext links on the web page when you paste it into an article. Similarly, if you import to an article from an html file with links, PK will preserve the links from the file. Or perhaps you have some old links that you simply don't want anymore.

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PK Tips: Changing Font Size in Existing Articles

Sometimes you want to make all text in a Personal Knowbase article larger. This issue is coming up more lately as we get higher resolution monitors, and the fonts we used to use suddenly look a bit shrunken.

Here are 3 ways to make the font sizes in Knowbase articles larger or smaller. The results of each method are very different, so use which method best serves your needs.

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PK Tip: Sorting and Hyphens

Personal Knowbase uses standard Windows sorting functions to sort the titles in the Titles column of the Index Window. This sorting method ignores dashes (hyphens). This is the traditional dictionary sort order, which sorts "well-spoken" just before "wellspring", for example.

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Fonts in Personal Knowbase

Personal Knowbase allows you to set the fonts for your text at three distinct levels. Use Preferences to set the font for new data files. Use File Properties to set the font for new articles. And use the Font command to affect article content text.

The rule of thumb for distinguishing Preferences and File Properties is that everything in Preferences applies to all data files, but the File Properties is for settings that apply only to the current data file.

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PK Tip: Getting a Custom Text Color Back

In Personal Knowbase, if you create text using a custom color from the color picker, its color swatch is available for re-use next to the Other button on the color down-drop from the Formatting Toolbar. For example, after making orange text, my color menu looks like this:

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PK Tip: Creating Template Articles

If you frequently need to create Personal Knowbase articles with similar text fields, forms, or subheadings, you can save time and typing by creating "template" articles.

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PK Tip: Removing Formatting from Article Text

When you Paste text into Personal Knowbase from the Windows Clipboard, PK inserts the text in its original format whenever possible. PK can insert text which was unformatted text, HTML text, or Rich Text Format (RTF).

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