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Category Archives: Productivity Tips

Productivity Tip: Checklists for Recurring Tasks

For tasks that you do regularly, write up outlines of the steps required. This is especially important for tasks that you don't do regularly enough to remember the exact steps every time you do it. It's so easy to miss a step when you do something repeatedly.

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Productivity Tip: Bridging Between Sessions

Often the hardest part of making progress on a project is... getting started. Or re-started after a break. When you sit down to start a writing session, you're facing a blank page. When you set up your easel to paint, you face a blank canvas. When you start a planning effort, it's a blank calendar. When you're cleaning the garage, it's the opposite: complete overwhelm.

Whatever type of project you're working on, getting yourself going on each session can be a challenge.

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Productivity Tips: Setting Goals

Happy New Year!

It's that time of the year again. We sit down and review the past year and map out a path for the next year. How are we doing on long-term goals? Is it time to discard some old ones? What short term goals should we attack for next year? Entire books have been written on goal-setting. But a few basic tips can help you set better goals for your resolutions for the New Year:

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Productivity Tips: 5 Tips for Nurturing Creativity

When you're stuck on a current project... When you're looking for new ideas for your next project... When you need a creative solution to a problem... Creativity moves you toward your productivity goals.

Whether you're writing a story, creating a work of art, designing a website, or planning a wedding, here are 5 tips to stimulate your creativity:

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Productivity Tips: Effective Telephone Tips

If you find yourself spending too much time on the phone, these tips can help streamline your phone time.

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Productivity Tips for Working from Home

Whether you're starting a home-based business, are temporarily working from home, or are teleworking, you need a functional home office that helps rather than hinders your work.

You need an office workspace that helps you work efficiently. You need effective time management. And you need to stay organized. Here are some ideas for dealing with the challenges of working at home.

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Seven Tips for Coping During "Shelter in Place"

Many of us are currently self-isolating, under orders to shelter in place, or under quarantine. Even if you're still working from home, you probably have time on your hands when you would have been commuting, socializing, or running errands. Those not used to having a lot of unstructured time, trapped with only immediate family members, or even completely alone, can rapidly succumb to cabin fever.

You might feel like you've lost control of your life. Constant stress and loss of focus can lead to ennui.

It's tempting to just sit in front of the TV. But I've found that getting something constructive accomplished helps me feel more in control of an uncontrollable situation.

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Productivity Tips: 5 Tips for Beating Procrastination

Stuck? The first step in beating procrastination is to understand why you're procrastinating. Analyze the reasons for procrastination and find a solution. Here are some tips for getting unstuck:

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Cleaning off Your Desk with Personal Knowbase

Today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day, which falls on the second Monday of January every year. Personal Knowbase can't help you get rid of old pens, half-used batteries, and that broken coffee mug. But it can help you tidy up all those scattered bits of paper.

As part of your efforts, try this:

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Productivity Tips: 5 Tips for Focusing on Your Work

Lack of concentration can cause serious problems with our ability to get work done and, more importantly, how well we do our work. If we are constantly unfocused, distracted, and interrupted, the quantity and quality of our work falls. Here are 5 tips to help you focus.

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