About Keywords and the Index

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To help you find the information stored in Personal Knowbase, you assign keywords to each article. A keyword can be a word or a short phrase. Keywords are used in much the same way that the words in a book index help you determine where to look for information on a given topic in the book.


When the same keyword is assigned to several related articles, you can easily access those articles together. Combinations of multiple keywords may be used to pare down a list of articles to a more specific list.


All of the keywords in a Knowbase data file together are referred to as its Index. The Index Window displays this complete list of keywords in its Index column. This window can be pulled up instantly at any time by clicking on the Index button on the Standard Toolbar or by selecting the Index option from the List of Open Windows in the Window Menu.


When you create a new article, you can specify any number of keywords to associate with that article.  Keywords can also be added to or removed from an article at any time by double-clicking on the Keyword column in the article's Article Window. This displays a dialog box which allows you to edit the article's keyword list.


Choosing Keywords for an Article


When assigning keywords to an article, think about when you would want to retrieve this piece of information. Use the keywords that you will think of at that time.


For example, say you are storing a review of a book about baseball. You might want this review either when looking for information about books or for information about baseball. So you might use the keywords "books" and "baseball", or perhaps "sports".



For more information about using keywords, see these Procedures:

Assigning a Keyword to an Article

Creating an Unassigned Keyword

Retrieving Related Articles

Renaming a Keyword