Insert Hypertext Link Command (Edit Menu)

Edit Hypertext Link Command

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Creates a hypertext link to a disk file, folder, Internet address, or other article at the cursor location in the current article.


A hypertext link can have any text as its title. The information about what it links to remains invisible. You can specify the link title and target from the Hypertext Link Properties Dialog Box which is displayed.


If the cursor was over an existing hypertext link, this command becomes the Edit Hypertext Link command and allows you to edit the information for that link.


This command is only available if the current window is an Article Window and the cursor is in the Content area.


To access this command quickly, select the Insert Hypertext Link button from the Tools Toolbar.


NOTE:For more information about hypertext links, see About Hypertext Links in Article Windows.



See Also:

Linking to a Web Address from Inside an Article

Linking to a File from Inside an Article

Creating Links between Articles

Editing a Hypertext Link