Article Menu

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Menu Commands


New ArticleCreates a new article.


Close ArticleCloses the current article.


Delete ArticleDeletes the selected article.


Save ArticleSaves the changes made to the current article.


Open AttachmentsOpens the files and URLs attached to the current article.


Create TitleChanges the current article's title to the selected text from the article's content.


Bookmark ArticleBookmarks the current article for easy future reference.


Set to Current Date and TimeUpdates the article date.


Article PropertiesDisplays information about the current article and specifies article attachments.


Image GalleryShows or hides a panel at the bottom of the Article Window showing attachment icons.


Set ReminderCreates a reminder for the currently selected article.


Manage RemindersCreates, deletes, and edits reminders.


Clear Bookmarked Title ListUnbookmarks all currently bookmarked articles.


Show All TitlesLists all articles in the current data file.


Show Bookmarked TitlesLists all bookmarked articles in the current data file.


Show Articles with AttachmentsLists all articles which have file or URL attachments.


NOTE:This menu is only available if a data file is open.



See Also:

Article Window

About Articles: Your Basic Units of Information

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