Controlling Which Titles Are Displayed

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When a data file is opened, the titles of all articles are generally displayed in the Titles column. You can control which titles are displayed in the following ways. The column header is changed to describe the type of articles shown. For an introduction to the Titles column, see Index Window: Titles Column.


Types of Articles Which Are Displayed:



Type of Articles Listed


How to List These Articles


All Titles

All articles in the data file


To display all titles, use the Show All Titles Command (Article Menu).


Selected Titles with Selected (AND)

Articles assigned to all of the Selected keywords


To display articles which are assigned to a keyword or all of a list of keywords, move those keywords to the Selected column (see Selecting Keywords).


Set the Selected Keyword Mode (View Menu) to AND.


Selected Titles with Selected (OR)

Articles assigned to any of the Selected keywords


To display articles which are assigned to one or more of a list of keywords, move those keywords to the Selected column (see Selecting Keywords).


Set the Selected Keyword Mode (View Menu) to OR.


Bookmarked Titles

Bookmarked articles


To display only the bookmarked articles, use the Show Bookmarked Titles Command (Article Menu).


Found Titles

Articles containing the search string and in the date range used in a Find or Replace operation



To display only articles which contain a specified search string or are in a date range, use the Find Command (Edit Menu) or the Replace Command (Edit Menu).

Query Titles

Articles specified by a query


To display articles which are assigned to a logical combination of keywords, use the Build Query Command (Edit Menu). If there are saved queries, you can also use the Run Saved Query Command (Edit Menu).


Articles with Attachments

Articles which have  attachments


To display only articles with attachments, use the Show Articles with Attachments Command (Article Menu).



No articles


To leave the Titles column empty by default, select this option from the Preferences Dialog Box (see below).



Startup and Default Display


By default, All Titles are listed when the program starts up or whenever no other articles are displayed (such as when the last keyword in the Selected column is moved back to the Index column). You can change which titles are displayed at these times to Bookmarked Titles or No Titles. Select your preference from the Index Window tab of the Preferences Dialog Box (File Menu).


Outdated Results


The word [Outdated] appears after the heading of the Found Titles or Query Titles column to indicate that you have made changes to your articles which may make the list of titles obsolete. For example, modifying the keywords list for an article may "outdate" the results of a query. Rerun the Find or Query command to refresh the titles list.


NOTE:Queries are updated automatically if you set the Update Outdated Queries Automatically option from the Tools tab of the Preferences Dialog Box (File Menu).



See Also:

Index Window

Preferences Command (File Menu)

Finding the Information You Need

Retrieving Related Articles

Changing the Titles Displayed at Startup