Hypertext Link Properties Dialog Box

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Creates a hypertext link at the current cursor location in an article or edits the hypertext link currently selected. To create the link or save changes made to its properties, select the OK button. The OK button is not available if the Link Text or Target field is empty.


This dialog box is displayed when you select the Insert Hypertext Link or Edit Hypertext Link Command (Edit Menu).


NOTE:For an explanation of hypertext links, see About Hypertext Links in Article Windows.


Link Text


Edit the link's label text which is visible in the article content. If you are creating a link from selected text in your article, that selected text becomes the link text for your link.


Link Type


Specify the type of hypertext link:


If File Name is selected, the link is to a disk file.
If Folder is selected, the link is to a folder on your computer.
If Internet Address is selected, the link is to an Internet address (URL).
If Knowbase Article is selected, the link is to another article in the current data file.
If No Link is selected, the currently selected link is removed and the Link Text becomes plain text.




Shows the disk file, folder, Internet address, or article title for this hypertext link. For all link types except Knowbase Article, you can type the target directly into this box.


To locate a file or folder on your computer for a File Name or Folder link, use the Browse button.

To select an article title for a Knowbase Article link, use the Browse button.


Links Using Relative Paths


If you use the Browse button to select the Target for a File Name or Folder link, the full absolute path and file name is inserted in the Target field.


Alternatively, you can type a file or folder name into the Target field. If a full path name is not included in a file target, Personal Knowbase locates your file relative to the folder specified on the Articles tab of the File Properties Dialog Box.


Save full pathnames for new file or folder targets


When this checkbox is checked, complete path names are stored for all new attachments and hypertext links for this article.


When this setting is unchecked, Personal Knowbase automatically omits the full path name for new links whenever the path is equal to the currently set relative path as specified on the Articles tab of the File Properties Dialog Box.


NOTE:For a discussion of relative paths with examples, see About File Links and Relative Paths.



See Also:

Linking to a Web Address from Inside an Article

Linking to a File from Inside an Article

Creating Links between Articles

Editing a Hypertext Link