Opening an Existing Data File

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To open an existing Personal Knowbase data file:


Click on the Open button on the Toolbar.

OR Select the Open command from the File menu.


The Open File dialog box is displayed.


Select the folder where your data file is stored.


Type the name of the data file you want to open in the File Name edit box.

OR Select the name of a data file from the list box to open that file.


Press Enter OR  select the Open button.


Your data file is opened. The keywords and article titles for the file are displayed in the Index Window.


TIP:Clicking on the icon for any Knowbase data file (with the file type KNO) in Windows Explorer launches Personal Knowbase and opens the data file.


TIP:You can open multiple data files at once by opening multiple copies of Personal Knowbase, each showing a different data file.



Related Procedures:

Creating a New Data File

Entering New Information


See Also:

Standard Toolbar

Index Window

Open Command (File Menu)