Edit Keyword Dialog Box

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This dialog box edits the keyword which was highlighted in the Index column of the Index Window. You can rename the keyword or change its keyword group assignments.


Select the OK button to save your changes. If you rename the keyword, all articles which were associated with the old keyword are now associated with the new keyword.


Select the Cancel button to cancel your changes.


This dialog box is displayed when you select the Edit Keyword Command (Keyword Menu).




You can edit the existing keyword name or type a new one to rename it.


Keyword Group Lists


Available Groups

This list shows all of the keyword groups in the current data file except those which have been moved to the Group Membership list. Select groups that you want this keyword to be a member of.


Group Membership

This lists the groups that this keyword is a member of. To remove a group from this list, highlight it and press the Del key.


You can move groups between lists in the same ways that you move keywords between keyword lists in other dialog boxes. For more information, see Selecting Keywords.



See Also:

Renaming a Keyword