Convert File Dialog Box

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You are opening a data file which was created using an older version (1, 2, or 3) of Personal Knowbase. The file format was changed for version 4 in order to store new properties and features.


Version 4 can open files created with a previous version of the program. However, once a file is converted to version 4, it cannot be read back into older versions. If you need to read this data file with an older version of Personal Knowbase, you should not convert it to version 4 format.


You have the following three choices for opening the data file. Select your choice, then select OK to open the file. Select Cancel to return to Personal Knowbase without opening a file.


Convert Data File to Version 4 Format


This option converts the file permanently to version 4 format, allowing you to use the new version 4 features. After the conversion, you cannot open the file in a previous version of Personal Knowbase.


Make a Backup of the Data File in the older format, Then Convert the Data File to Version 4 Format


This option creates a backup copy of the data file before converting it. You are asked to specify a name for the backup file. You may later delete this backup file if you wish without affecting your new, converted data file. You cannot open the converted file in a previous version of Personal Knowbase.


Open File in Read-Only Mode


This option opens the original file in read-only mode. The file is not converted to version 4 format, so the file cannot be modified. However, you can still read the articles as well as search, print, and export them. This option is useful if you cannot convert the file at this time, but wish to access your information. You may convert this file later by re-opening it and selecting a different option in this dialog box.



See Also:

Reverting a Data File to Version 3 Format