Moving Personal Knowbase to a New Computer

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Congratulations on your new computer. To get Personal Knowbase up and running again, you need to re-install the software and move your data files over.


Moving the Software


The easiest way to set Personal Knowbase up on a new computer is to re-install it.


If you have your original installation file, you can install that.

OR Download the latest installation file from the Download page on our web site.


To access our site, use the Bitsmith Software Web Site command from the Help menu or see our Contact Information.


To install Personal Knowbase, run the PKSETUP.EXE file after downloading it.


This will install the trial version.


Convert the trial version into a registered version by clicking on the "Register Now..." button when the evaluation screen appears and then re-entering your original registration information.



Moving Your Data Files


Copy your data files from your old computer as if you were backing them up. See the procedure for Backing Up and Restoring Data Files for information on which files you need. Simply "back up" the files from your old computer and "restore" them to your new computer.


If you have a network connecting your old and new computers, you can move these same files between the computers that way.



Article Attachments


If you use file attachments, you will need to move these other files along with your data files for other applications. Personal Knowbase expects to find these files in the originally specified folders. If the folder structure is different on your new computer, you may need to adjust your attachment path names to allow for that.


If you expect to be moving a Knowbase data file and its file attachments frequently, consider using relative links paths. For more information on the use of relative paths in locating targets of file links, see About File Links and Relative Paths.