Custom Import: Setup Format Dialog Box

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You are creating or editing a custom import format. This is the first dialog box for the Custom Import Wizard. You need to enter basic information about this file format. You may specify a Sample File to use as a reference for this format.


Select the Next button to go to the next step of the wizard. Select Cancel to return to the Manage Custom Formats Dialog Box and lose any changes you have made.


Briefly Describe Your Custom Format


Enter a text description here to identify this custom format for future use. The Manage Custom Formats Dialog Box displays this description when you highlight this format's name.


How the Article Data Is Organized


Specify the overall structure of files using this format:


If Lines is selected, this format stores each article's fields (content, title, keywords, and so on) on predetermined line numbers. For example, the first line of the file might always be the title, the second line might be the date, and the remaining lines might be the content.


If Labels is selected, this format indicates each article's fields (content, title, keywords, and so on) by preceding the fields with labels. For example, the label "Date:" might always indicate where the date is.  In this case, you have an option to include the entire delimited article as the article's content. This structure works well for importing email from text files.


If Tags is selected, this format indicates each article's fields (content, title, keywords, and so on) by surrounding the field with matching begin and end tags. For example, the tags <date> and </date> might always indicate where the date is. This structure works well for importing from markup languages such as XML.


Text Qualifier


Specify which characters, if any, this format uses to indicate that everything between these characters should be treated as plain text.


Sample File


You may specify a text file to use as a reference for setting up this custom format. This sample file is displayed in the Sample File Preview at the bottom of each step of this wizard to help you define the import format. Use the Browse button to select a file. The name of the selected file is displayed.


Sample File Preview


Your selected sample text file is displayed here for your reference. Unprintable characters, such as tabs, may appear as small boxes:


This preview is limited to showing the first 10,000 lines of your sample file.



See Also:

Import Command (File Menu)

Importing from a Custom Format Text File

Importing Email Message Text

Select Sample File Dialog Box