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Personal Knowbase
unique free-form notes management software
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Personal Knowbase®
Research Notes Software

Serious note-keeping software for researchers and writers

Gather all of your research notes, ideas, links, and web clippings into one free-form knowledge base. Pull together materials from many sources. Personal Knowbase makes managing a large amount of information easy by using a natural way to retrieve notes, using keywords to filter for related information.

Take control of your notes with Personal Knowbase for Windows.

  • Save time with convenient note-taking.

  • Record and modify notes quickly without having to navigate deep data trees.

  • Access everything you've stored for one topic by just selecting a keyword or two.

  • Keep all your information for one project together by linking to external files and Internet addresses.

  • Handle large numbers of notes easily. No limits on number or length of records.

Personal Knowbase is index card software for Windows.

It works like a bottomless virtual index card file system. The differences are that there is no limit to the space on each card, you can cross-reference your cards, and each card can be in as many card "stacks" as you need by assigning it multiple keywords. More information on creating digital index card "stacks"...

More information about Personal Knowbase notes software

Some Ways Researchers Use Personal Knowbase:

Managing notes. Research notes. Reference materials. Interview notes. Annotations. Sources. Lists for ongoing projects. It's a great tool for academics, librarians, and writers.

You can do your note-taking directly into Personal Knowbase, or gather your paper notes and import text files into your database later.

When you're working and think of something else that you need to look up later, just jot down a quick note in a PK article, tag the article, and easily get back to it as soon as you're done with what you're currently working on.

Saving web clippings. Drag in snippets from online sources. Store abstracts from online databases.

While browsing, copy facts into PK and know you'll be able to find them later when you need them. Or store a link to the web page for later reference.

Storing account information. Keep account info for online databases, forums, and membership sites. Password-protect your PK database for added privacy.

Organizing large databases. Manage historical research, genealogy notes, thesis data, or other large projects.

Recording resources. Create bibliographies and cross-reference notes to their sources.

Assign each source a unique keyword. Then create a PK article for each source's information. Assign that source article and all articles which use that source the same unique source keyword. Then, when you select that keyword, the source information and everything related to it will be listed.

You can also use hypertext links to link from a note to the article containing its source information. Hyperlinks can point to URLs, external files, or other PK articles.

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Testimonials from Researchers

“Personal Knowbase is another excellent research tool. Using keywords, it organizes free-form notes by association, so finding specific information within a vast tangle of research material becomes a snap. You can also link keywords to files, Web sites and e-mail addresses to keep your original sources a mouse-click away.”

~ Jack Clemens, Writer's Digest

“Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy Personal Knowbase. I am using it for research data storage and retrieval for my books and articles. WOW! It is the easiest data base on the market for those of us who are intimidated by Access and trying to figure out how to use it. Within minutes of downloading it, I was building data bases! Keep up the good work.”

~ Bob Shank, Florida

“I think that Knowbase is just about the best database program I have every worked with. I have looked for years to find a program that would work for a very large research data base. I work for the National Park Service as a historian and, trust me we have spent hundreds of dollars buying "well known" programs to try and fit our needs. All fell short of the mark. Knowbase continues to amaze me for its versatility. So far we have had no problems.”

...I know there are many Local, State and Federal agencies and private researchers who would love this program.

~ Steve Fullmer, Wyoming

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